There can sometimes be a thin line between 'poor care', and abuse and neglect.
The bottom line is this: is the person getting the support they need which has been identified in their care plan as important for their health and wellbeing?
Poor care includes things like:
- Not being able to access fresh air
- Take part in meaningful activities
- Have nutritious food
In some cases the use of restraint or other forms of restrictive practice may be necessary and appropriate to keep your family member or others safe. Where restraint is used, it must be done in the least restrictive way. Any inappropriate use of 'restraint' and any other restrictive practices could be regarded as either abuse or 'poor care'.
What can I do?
If you suspect they are being abused, contact the Adult Social Care team 24 hours-a-day on: 01926 412080. Our adult social care teams can offer advice and support to you and the person you are concerned for and, where necessary, arrange appropriate services.
To report a crime or raise a concern about abuse with Warwickshire Police, you can phone the non-emergency number on: 101
But if it is an emergency you should always dial: 999
Please go to our ‘Recognising and Reporting Abuse’ webpage for more information on what abuse is and how to report your concerns.