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All organisations that work with people in Warwickshire are committed to preventing the abuse of adults.

"Adult safeguarding" is working with adults with care and support needs to keep them safe from abuse or neglect. It is an important part of what many public services do, and a key responsibility of local authorities.

Safeguarding is aimed at people with care and support needs who may be in vulnerable circumstances and at risk of abuse or neglect. In these cases, local services must work together to spot those at risk and take steps to protect them.

Below are 10 forms of abuse that a vulnerable adult can be at risk of. Click on the subject header for a detailed description and see if any of them sound familiar to what the person you’re concerned for is experiencing.

Remember, safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.
Do not ignore it, you must report it.

If you suspect the person you work with or care for are being abused, click on the ‘Report It’ button for more information.

Physical abuse includes assault, hitting, slapping, pushing, kicking, misuse of medication, being locked in a room, inappropriate sanctions or force-feeding, inappropriate methods of restraint, and unlawfully depriving a person of their liberty.

Possible indicators

  • Unexplained or inappropriately explained injuries;
  • Adult exhibiting untypical self-harm;
  • Unexplained cuts or scratches to mouth, lips, gums, eyes or external genitalia;
  • Unexplained bruising to the face, torso, arms, back, buttocks, thighs, in various
  • Stages of healing. Collections of bruises that form regular patterns which correspond to the shape of an object or which appear on several areas of the body;
  • Unexplained burns on unlikely areas of the body (e.g. soles of the feet, palms of the hands, back), immersion burns (from scalding in hot water/liquid), rope burns, burns from an electrical appliance;
  • Unexplained or inappropriately explained fractures at various stages of healing to any part of the body;
  • Medical problems that go unattended;
  • Sudden and unexplained urinary and/or faecal incontinence. Evidence of over/under-medication;
  • Adult flinches at physical contact;
  • Adult appears frightened or subdued in the presence of particular people;
  • Adult asks not to be hurt;
  • Adult may repeat what the person causing harm has said (e.g. ‘Shut up or I’ll hit you’);
  • Reluctance to undress or uncover parts of the body;
  • Person wears clothes that cover all parts of their body or specific parts of their body;
  • An adult without capacity not being allowed to go out of a care home when they ask to;
  • An adult without capacity not being allowed to be discharged at the request of an unpaid carer/family member.

Domestic violence is defined as any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. The abuse can encompass, but is not limited to: psychological, physical, sexual, financial, and emotional. This can include such things as forced marriage, honour-based violence and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

Sexual abuse including rape, indecent exposure, sexual harassment, inappropriate looking or touching, sexual teasing or innuendo, sexual photography, subjection to pornography or witnessing sexual acts, indecent exposure and sexual assault or sexual acts to which the adult has not consented or was pressured into consenting. It includes penetration of any sort, incest and situations where the person causing harm touches the abused person’s body (e.g. breasts, buttocks, genital area), exposes his or her genitals (possibly encouraging the abused person to touch them) or coerces the abused person into participating in or looking at pornographic videos or photographs. Denial of a sexual life to consenting adults is also considered abusive practice. Any sexual relationship that develops between adults where one is in a position of trust, power or authority in relation to the other (e.g. day centre worker/social worker/residential worker/health worker etc.) may also constitute sexual abuse.

Possible indicators

  • Adult has urinary tract infections, vaginal infections or sexually transmitted diseases that are not otherwise explained;
  • Adult appears unusually subdued, withdrawn or has poor concentration;
  • Adult exhibits significant changes in sexual behaviour or outlook;
  • Adult experiences pain, itching or bleeding in the genital/anal area;
  • Adult’s underclothing is torn, stained or bloody;
  • A woman who lacks the mental capacity to consent to sexual intercourse becomes pregnant;
  • Sexual exploitation.

Psychological abuse includes ‘emotional abuse’ and takes the form of threats of harm or abandonment, deprivation of contact, humiliation, rejection, blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, indifference, harassment, verbal abuse (including shouting or swearing), cyber bullying, isolation or withdrawal from services or support networks.

Possible indicators

  • Untypical ambivalence, deference, passivity, resignation;
  • Adult appears anxious or withdrawn, especially in the presence of the alleged abuser;
  • Adult exhibits low self-esteem;
  • Untypical changes in behaviour (e.g. continence problems, sleep disturbance);
  • Adult is not allowed visitors/phone calls;
  • Adult is locked in a room/in their home;
  • Adult is denied access to aids or equipment, (e.g. glasses, dentures, hearing aid, crutches, etc.);
  • Adult’s access to personal hygiene and toilet is restricted;
  • Adult’s movement is restricted by use of furniture or other equipment;
  • Bullying via social networking internet sites and persistent texting.

This includes theft, fraud, internet scamming, coercion in relation to an adult’s financial affairs or arrangements, including in connection with wills, property, inheritance or financial transactions, or the misuse or misappropriation of property, possessions or benefits.

Possible indicators

  • Lack of heating, clothing or food;
  • Inability to pay bills/unexplained shortage of money;
  • Lack of money, especially after benefit day;
  • Inadequately explained withdrawals from accounts;
  • Unexplained loss/misplacement of financial documents;
  • The recent addition of authorised signatories on an adult’s accounts or cards
  • Disparity between assets/income and living conditions;
  • Power of attorney obtained when the adult lacks the capacity to make this decision;
  • Recent changes of deeds/title of house or will;
  • Recent acquaintances expressing sudden or disproportionate interest in the adult and their money;
  • Service user not in control of their direct payment or individualised budget;
  • Mis-selling/selling by door-to-door traders/cold calling;
  • Illegal money-lending.

Modern Slavery encompasses slavery, human trafficking, forced and compulsory labour and domestic servitude. Traffickers and slave masters use whatever means they have at their disposal to coerce, deceive and force individuals into a life of abuse, servitude and inhumane treatment.

Possible indicators

Signs of various types of slavery and exploitation are often hidden, making it hard to recognise potential victims. Victims can be any age, gender or ethnicity or nationality. Whilst by no means exhaustive, this is a list of some common signs:

  • Adult is not in possession of their legal documents (passport, identification and bank account details) and they are being held by someone else;
  • The adult has old or serious untreated injuries and they are vague, reluctant or inconsistent in explaining how the injury occurred.
  • The adult looks malnourished, unkempt, or appears withdrawn
  • They have few personal possessions and often wear the same clothes
  • What clothes they do wear may not be suitable for their work.
  • The adult is withdrawn or appears frightened, unable to answer questions directed at them or speak for themselves and/or an accompanying third party speaks for them. If they do speak, they are inconsistent in the information they provide, including basic facts such as the address where they live
  • They appear under the control/influence of others, rarely interact or appear unfamiliar with their neighbourhood or where they work.
  • Many victims will not be able to speak English
  • Fear of authorities
  • The adult perceives themselves to be in debt to someone else or in a situation of dependence.

This includes discrimination on the grounds of race, faith or religion, age, disability, gender, sexual orientation and political views, along with racist, sexist, homophobic or ageist comments or jokes, or comments and jokes based on a person’s disability or any other form of harassment, slur or similar treatment. Hate crime can be viewed as a form of discriminatory abuse, although will often involve other types of abuse as well. Excluding a person from activities on the basis they are ‘not liked’ is also discriminatory abuse.

Possible indicators

Indicators for discriminatory abuse may not always be obvious and may also be linked to acts of physical abuse and assault, sexual abuse and assault, financial abuse, neglect, psychological abuse and harassment, so all the indicators listed above may apply to discriminatory abuse.

  • An adult may reject their own cultural background and/or racial origin or other personal beliefs, sexual practices or lifestyle choices
  • An adult making complaints about the service not meeting their needs.

Including neglect and poor care practice within an institution or specific care setting such as a hospital or care home, or where care is provided within their own home. This may range from one off incidents to on-going ill-treatment. It can be through neglect or poor professional practice as a result of the structure, policies, processes and practices within an organisation.

Organisational abuse can occur in any setting providing health or social care. A number of inquiries into care in residential settings have highlighted that organisational abuse is most likely to occur when staff:

Possible indicators

Indicators for discriminatory abuse may not always be obvious and may also be linked to acts of physical abuse and assault, sexual abuse and assault, financial abuse, neglect, psychological abuse and harassment, so all the indicators listed above may apply to discriminatory abuse.

  • receive little support from management;
  • are inadequately trained;
  • are poorly supervised and poorly supported in their work;
  • receive inadequate guidance;

Or where there is:

  • Unnecessary or inappropriate rules and regulations;
  • Lack of stimulation or the development of individual interests;
  • Inappropriate staff behaviour, such as the development of factions, misuse of drugs or alcohol, failure to respond to leadership;
  • Restriction of external contacts or opportunities to socialise.

These include ignoring medical, emotional or physical care needs, failure to provide access to appropriate health, social care or educational services, and the withholding of the necessities of life such as medication, adequate nutrition and heating. Neglect also includes a failure to intervene in situations that are dangerous to the person concerned or to others, particularly when the person lacks the mental capacity to assess risk for themselves.

Possible indicators

  • Adult has inadequate heating and/or lighting;
  • Adult’s physical condition/appearance is poor (e.g. ulcers, pressure sores, soiled or wet clothing);
  • Adult is malnourished, has sudden or continuous weight loss and/or is dehydrated;
  • Adult cannot access appropriate medication or medical care;
  • Adult is not afforded appropriate privacy or dignity;
  • Adult and/or a carer has inconsistent or reluctant contact with health and social services;
  • Callers/visitors are refused access to the person;
  • Person is exposed to unacceptable risk.

Self-neglect covers a wide range of behaviour, neglecting to care for one’s personal hygiene; health or surroundings and can include behaviour such as hoarding. Self-neglect is also defined as the inability (intentional or non-intentional) to maintain a socially and culturally accepted standard of self-care with the potential for serious consequences to the health and well-being of the individual and sometimes to their community.

Possible indicators

  • living in very unclean, sometimes verminous, circumstances;
  • poor self-care leading to a decline in personal hygiene;
  • poor nutrition;
  • poor healing/sores;
  • poorly maintained clothing;
  • long toenails;
  • isolation;
  • failure to take medication;
  • hoarding large numbers of pets;
  • neglecting household maintenance;
  • portraying eccentric behaviour/lifestyles.

This video gives a great example of certain warning signs that should not be ignored. It is a subtle yet powerful video from Sandwell Council, showing the importance of reporting a Safeguarding concern, even if you don't think it is your business or concern.

To watch the full video click below:


Video originally published by Sandwell Council: February 2016
Warwickshire Safeguarding Boards thank Sandwell Council for letting us use their video.

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Warwickshire Safeguarding 
Warwickshire County Council
Shire Hall
Market Place
CV34 4RL

Adults/Children's: 01926 410410


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