There may be times as a parent or carer when you need help, advice or information when caring for your child. This page provides links to other local or national websites where you can access further information on a number of subjects. It also gives advice for when children's social care or other agencies are involved with your family. If you require further information on a subject which we have not covered, please let us know by Contact Us.
In Warwickshire, the Family Information Service provide a free information and signposting service for families with children and young people aged 0 – 25, as well as people working with families in Warwickshire. The Family Information Service covers a wider range of family related topics such as childcare, mediation and contact, divorce and separation, finance, health, bullying, support groups and parenting support. To contact the Family Information Service:
Telephone: 01926 742274 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To access the website, click here.
Child Protection Conference
If someone is concerned about your child they may report their concern to the local authority Children’s Services who will look into it and may contact you to see how they can help support you and your child’s needs. A Child Protection Conference is a meeting that follows if the Social Worker is still worried that your child/children is/are at risk of being harmed. Several leaflets have been produced for parents providing further information about a Child Protection Conference which can be accessed by clicking on the links below:
Child Protection Conferences - Guide for Parents
Going to a Child Protection Conference - a Guide for Young People
Complaints Guide for Children & Young People - Child Protection Conferences
Complaints Guide for Parents/Carers/Guardians - Child Protection Conferences
ICPC Agenda Booklet
RCPC Agenda Booklet
Other sources of information for parents and carers
Child death - Information for parent, families and carers leaflet.pdf
Action for children - support for parents
NSPCC - Postive Parenting