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Warwickshire Safeguarding Partnership will be going live with the Vulnerable Adult Risk Management (VARM) process in February 2024. 


The Partnership have agreed a multi-agency process to facilitate the management of cases with adults who are deemed to have capacity and make decisions for themselves and are experiencing an unmanageable level of risk that:

  • does not relate to abuse or neglect by a third party
  • that could lead to imminent serious harm, death or injury (including emotional/psychological)

Serious harm is defined as something that is life threatening and/or traumatic, and/or the person has suffered reduced capacity or quality of life and from which recovery, whether physical, or psychological, may reasonably be expected to be difficult or impossible. 

Circumstances may include:

  • Self-neglect* in which conditions meet:
    • Neglecting medical needs
    • Hoarding behaviours that are a fire risk with clutter within the home of scale 7 or above
    • Poor electrical set up i.e daisy chain of extension cables, electrical appliances buried in their possessions that could lead to potential fire
    • Repeated behaviours that could lead to imminent serious harm
    • Lack of escape route from property
    • Environmental concerns and unsanitary conditions that could impact on the health of the adult and/or wider community
  • Refusal and non-engagement with care and support services
  • Frequent missing episodes
  • Drug and alcohol dependence combined with other complexities or risk taking behaviours

The aim of the VARM is to undertake a multi-agency risk assessment, led by the agency completing a referral summary form to:

  • Identify the risks with the adult
  • Convene a multi-agency discussion with the adult and/or their advocate
  • Agree agency responsibilities, actions and timeframe to manage risks
  • Record, monitor and review the risk management plan
  • Agree when risks have been sufficiently managed and record the outcome

Additional support will be offered during the introduction stage of implementing the VARM process for chairing a meeting. The agency completing a referral summary form should contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to establish who will be supporting as co-chair.

Please note: This process is not a referral to the Adult Safeguarding teams.  Please call 01926359190 for the Social Care and Support teams who can offer advice and support to you and, where necessary, arrange appropriate services


Provided on this page are the tools, guidance and framework document to facilitate an effective VARM meeting.


VARM What to Expect leaflet

This leaflet is for the adult to understand why a VARM meeting has been arranged.  It is also an opportunity for the adult to write down their views, wishes and feelings and can used a the adults contribution to the VARM process and support discussions, if they do not wish to attend the meeting.  When possible, the leaflet should shared and discussed with the adult at the start of the process.


Useful Documents


Warwickshire Partnerships acknowledges the work, support & contribution of Derbyshire Safeguarding Adults Board and Sandwell Safeguarding Adults Board in developing a Warwickshire VARM Framework and supporting documents

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Market Place
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